Navigate to WHM > Plugins > Acronis Backup Please change the service URL to and fill it with the credentials we provided in your email.
Choose features
End-user self-service
Setting up different service levels for cPanel accounts To enable different service levels for cPanel accounts, the WHM administrator needs to create plugin features to define the number of days, for which available recovery points will be shown in the cPanel user interface.
Note For example, suppose that you have 3 cPanel accounts: Account1, Account2, Account3. You can create 3 features:
Feature1: to show recovery points created for the last day
Feature2: to show recovery points created for the last 14 days
Feature3: to show recovery points created for the last 30 days
If you assign Feature1 to Account1 in the WHM Feature manager, the corresponding cPanel account will see only recovery points created for the last day in its plugin UI. Account2 with Feature2 will be able to access recovery points created for the last 14 days, Account3 with Feature3 - recovery points created for the last 30 days.
There are two options to create plugin features:
Create all the features automatically during plugin configuration
Note This option works only for the initial plugin installation and configuration. If the plugin is already installed and configured, use the second option - "Create WHM features manually"
Note If this option is enabled (enable_retention_service_plans = 1), but no features are created or set, recovery points will not be shown to any cPanel accounts on this server.
Under the [retention_service_plans] section, add features like shown below:
Perform plugin configuration as usual (refer to "Unattended plugin configuration")
Note The naming structure is obligatory: acronisbackup_NUMBER = NUMBER. Entering it in a different way will result in an error.
Create WHM features manually
Log on to the host as a root user
Run the following command:
vim /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/addonfeatures/acronisbackup_1
where acronisbackup_1 is a file name for the feature.
Add content as shown in the below example: acronisbackup_1: Acronis Backup 1 Days Retention The second part is a human readable name of the feature that the WHM admin will see in the Feature manager.
To create a feature without limitations (all available recovery points will be visible), run the following:
vim /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/addonfeatures/acronisbackup_0
Add content as shown in the below example: acronisbackup_0: Acronis Backup Unlimited
Reseller self-service
As a result, WHM Resellers with the selected feature list assigned, will be able to browse, download and recover all the objects belonging to cPanel accounts under them.
Note By default this option is not enabled. After plugin upgrade to version 1.6, WHM Resellers will not be able to access its functionality until the corresponding feature is enabled for the required feature lists.
Features for different service levels, described in "Enabling self-service for WHM Resellers" can be also assigned to WHM Reseller accounts.
Note Features assigned to WHM Reseller accounts don't affect the service levels of its cPanel accounts. Only features assigned to cPanel accounts directly affect their service level.
To encrypt your backups, enable the Encryption switch and set the password in the corresponding wizard settings.
Note Once a backup plan is created and applied, you cannot modify the encryption settings.
Note If you lose or forget the encryption password, you won't be able to recover the encrypted backups.
During the installation, the software checks if the ports required for communication with the cloud platform are open. If any of the ports are closed, the software will display their numbers and the corresponding host names, for which each port should be open. Open the required ports, close the wizard, and restart the installation.